Highly advanced ATE+BTT single step DRAM device tester
Highly advanced ATE+BTT single step DRAM device tester
Highly advanced ATE+BTT single step DRAM device tester
Key Features
Btt up to 1.600Gbps, ATE up to 3Gbps
Hot Temperature Cycling by Handler
Parallelism – 128 Duts, x8 Base
Available in configurations up to 128 devices in parallel
Full Btt support
True double data rate tests, No pattern generator interleaving, No special “Mux” modes required to achieve high data rates
Support Low Power and Wide I/O
Very small footprint
No special air, power, or cooling requirements
Standard device level contact, leakage, IDD, Btt, PPG and PMU testing
Full suite of test patterns provided
128 DUTs in parallel (x8), up to 256 with dual chassis option
Higher performance and more capabilities
Active HiFix (driving electronics inside HiFix)
Device type change via socket board
System upgrade via HiFix change
DDR4 support
Supports Low Power and Wide I/O
Adjustable clocks
tRC, tRCD, tRASmin, tRASmax, tRP, tRRD, tWTR, tRTW, tRFC, tAL, tCWL, tRTP
Address Generation
16 Rows + 15 Columns + 4 Bank Selects
Automated DDR4 read/write leveling
Features Standard in All KTI Products:
Failure/Design Analysis Tools including Shmoo and Burn-in
Simple drag and drop test flow creation
Full test flow control including looping, binning, etc.
Fully programmable pattern generator – we provide you many industry standard patterns, but you can write your own too!
Enhanced SPD programming tool including Address Tests, Write Protect tests and activation, date/time/serial number stamps, DDR4 Temperature testing, etc.
Enhanced software customization available – data logging and analysis, tester flow control, bar code scanning, etc.
Programmable Pattern Generator (PPG)
For custom test patterns
Ease of use
Many standard patterns included
Many standard test patterns available.
March, X, Y, G, LR, LRD, IFA 13 and many more
IDD tests – all including IDD6
Simple setup: One standard PC (provided), USB cable from PC to tester, and simple PC power cable to power the tester.
Easy to use, modern, Windows User Interface.
Programmable Pattern Generator (PPG)
Specialized CPU for memory testing.
Custom test programs are written
Converted to binary programs
Downloaded to the tester for execution
PPG fully integrated into Tiger Claw.
GUI front end
High-speed assembler
Color coded source editor
Write the patterns your customers require!